I must have really angered the Transportation Gods yesterday.
Normally it takes me about 30 - 35 minutes to travel from home to work. Most of the time is spent wandering through the streets of Norfolk. But once through the mid-town tunnel, its easy sailing.
Not so on Monday. The trip took almost an hour. Let me explain.
I was stopped by the full cycle of every traffic light between home and the Llewellyn Avenue. Then as I turned of Granby Street onto Llewellyn, I noticed the orange cones were out. Oops! The river hath overflowed its banks and Llewellyn was blocked. So I diverted back onto Granby Street and proceeded to 35th Street. Slow traffic and traffic lights hindered my progress once again.
Once on 35th Street, I remembered why I stopped taking this route. Duh, the traffic lights are timed against going from east to west. OK, so I kept going. It faster than yet another detour, or so I thought.
After crossing Colley Ave, I turned left at Killam Ave to cut over to 27th Street. When what to my wondering eyes appeared, but a flag man waving me to stop so an asphalt truck could position itself. Sigh!
Onward then to 27th and my left turn onto Hampton Blvd. Once again stopped for a traffic light. Then the wait got longer as an ambulance keep the light red whilst it approached the 27th and Hampton intersection from the North.
Finally, I'm onto to Hampton Blvd and heading toward the mid-town tunnel entrance. I noticed a lack of traffic Northbound but thought nothing of it. Rounding the turn by Redgate Avenue, there they were, brake lights and stopped traffic. The tunnel has a disabled vehicle in it and both lanes were closed while the tunnel was cleared.
After a bit, traffic started again, but slowly. Loaded tractor trailer rigs do not come up to speed quickly.
Once on the Western Freeway, traffic moved along quickly 'til I turned onto College Drive. Then once again, it was slow going as I had to stop for each traffic light.
At long last, 1 hour after leaving home, I arrived at work.
Surely I must have really pissed off the Gods of Traffic.
require StdDisclaimer;
Covering the Flooding
5 months ago
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