O'Toole's Commentary on Murphy's Law states: Murphy was an optimist. And today that fact was proven. Bear with me.
Today has been a pretty good day. I fixed the overhead garage door to the tune of $3.12. One of the wire rope cables rusted and broke. Luckily for me the neighborhood hardware store (3 blocks away) had cable and a swedge clamp. In thirty minutes it was fixed. Ta Da!
Next, I managed to cut down the bulk of the ginormous Bradford Pear in the backyard. It has been dropping large limbs over the last few years. A micro-burst several weeks ago took out another big limb and I decided the rest had to go. Now all that remains is the trunk about 5 feet high. But, its also about 20 inches in diameter. Told ya it was a big tree.
Next on the list was finishing the trim upstairs. Its been a long project and I was looking forward to being able to put all the power and hand tools away, clean up, and store the left over materials. But here's where O'Tool comes into play. I was one, that's right, one blooming piece of lattice trim short. Now its a trip to the Blue Box (Lowe's) or the Orange Box (the Homeless Depot) tomorrow night whilst on my way home from work. The trim also needs to be stained and have three coats of varnish applied. So maybe next weekend the trim will be completed.
Put another way, in the words of Robert Burns in "To a Mouse",
But, mousie, thou art not alane,
In proving foresight may be in vain,
The best laid schemes of mice and men,
Go oft astray,
And leave us nought but grief and pain,
To rend our day.
Thus endth the 6th epistle of MGA 1958.
Hallelujah. Holy Crap. Pass the Tylenol.
Covering the Flooding
5 months ago
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