A bit of background first. A couple of years ago, I started noticing Palmetto Bugs in the house. Never before had one crossed the threshold. Last year my son killed one during the night. When I entered the kitchen the following morning, a note on the whiteboard read something like, "Zeke splinter cell 234 was eliminated." Since then, these unwanted visitors have been called Zekes. For a while we kept track with each bug named Zeke.... followed by a number.
I went walking in Williamsburg last night. It was a typical hot, steamy coastal Virginia night. My feet were hot, wet and uncomfortable in my shoes, so off the shoes came for the drive home. What a relief that was. Upon arriving home, I gathered my belongings in the car (shoes still off) and proceeded to the front stoop.
There in the dim light I caught a quick sense of movement. Putting down my things, I took a shoe in hand. With a quick downward swing, I smacked the last place movement was noticed. Thrice more the shoe came thundering down. Then I picked up my belongings, opened the door, unencumbered myself, and turned on the porch light.
Peering out the door, what to my wondering eyes appeared, but a smashed and very dead Palmetto Bug. In my mind I shouted, "Yes, the shoe is truly mightier than the Zeke."
Thus endeth the tale of Zeke 3213.
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Covering the Flooding
5 months ago